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Lauren Vargas

Great article and relates to an article I posted today: http://12commanonymous.typepad.com/my_weblog/2006/06/pick_me_pick_me.html

I am constantly being judged by my age first, despite that I am NOT anywhere near as flippant and disrespectful. As a military brat, Sir and Ma'am are a must. As for digital identity, some have to learn the hard way. The sad thing is the internet is a permanent archive.

I learned quickly that I needed to conform to a certain extent to the industry/society, but that did not mean I had to give up everything that made me who I am today.

Mentorship is needed here. We have so much to learn from each other, but we need to learn how to communicate -- both sides.

Mason Cole

Thanks Lauren. There's nothing at all wrong with being direct and honest -- in fact, it should be expected. So should the idea of being yourself. As long as the above don't categorize you as a jerk.

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